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Northern Ireland : legal resources: Journals

An introduction to Northern Ireland Law
Subjects: Law

Northern Irish law journals & finding articles on Northern Irish and UK law

A journal is a regular publication (monthly, yearly, etc.) in which you will find academic and research articles. The articles present current research and quick (but thoughtful) responses to legal developments, such as Case Comments..
Journals which are peer-reviewed submit potential articles to evaluation by other experts before publication, so you can be confident of the quality of those finally included in the volume. 
The majority of journals held by the Bodleian Libraries in both physical and electronic formats can be searched via SOLO, however you may find the Law Library's own database easier to use.

Use the other tabs in this box to find recommended journals and guidance on the special online tools to help you find articles in law journals published both in the UK and abroad.


Holders of an Oxford SSO have online access to the majority of law journals published in the UK. In many instances, full-text access to recent issues will be available via either Westlaw UK Edge or Lexis + UK, for older issues HeinOnline can often help.

But there are other journals which are (at least for part of their run) available via other databases or journal platforms.
Should you want to read articles published in the LLoyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly (LMCLQ) then you will need to register with the database called i-law.

Tips for finding law ejournals and journals using SOLO:

1) Use the Advanced Search screen
2) Change  Resource type to Journals
3) Search for the full title of the journal - NOT the abbreviation used in the citation

In other words to find the Law Library's holdings (in print and onlline) for an MLR citation you need to ask SOLO to find Modern Law Review.
If you don't know what the abbreviation in your citation stands for, use the free online Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations. 
Please ask at the Enquiry Desk if you are having any problems.

For older issues of  English law journals, the following databases are often helpful:

Available on the free web

Northern Ireland law journals in LawBod have shelf marks beginning Cw UK NI 300 and are located on Level 2.  These are arranged alphabetically by journal title.  New issues for journals are on our new journals display which is in the Just-in Corner on Level 2. 

The principal collection of UK law journals in LawBod have shelf marks beginning Cw UK 300 and are also shelved on Level 2.

If you are looking for an issue that does not appear in either place please ask staff: some journals are now only being received online. 


Legal databases and ejournal platforms offer ways for you to set up customised alerts and/or an RSS feed. Look out for "Current Awareness,"  "Stay up to Date," "Create Alert" or the bell icon: instructions are usually clear. If you do encounter difficulties please contact us.
Note that Westlaw Edge UK also includes the formerly separate LawTel service
An ETOC or TOC option provides the entire table of contents of each new journal issue.
If you come to the Law Library, check out the Just In Corner on Level 2 (the entrance level) which has a display of the most recent issues of those law journals still received in print. (This display is updated weekiy.)

In addition (especially if you have inter disciplinary interests) 

Some researchers may remember ZETOC. In its place we recommend  the open access service JournalsTOCs - "the largest, free collection of scholarly journal Tables of Contents (TOCs): 32,312 journals including 15,741 selected Open Access journals and 11,834 Hybrid journals, from 3333 publishers."
Please note this requires you to register as an individual - it is not an Oxford SSO related eresource.

Finding articles in Law Journals

SOLO's article search function is a tempting place to start - but as some legal databases do not allow deeplinking within their content, SOLO's search results can be misleading.

The following specialist indexing services are recommended:

Indexing tools on the free web

Inter-library requests

If the Bodleian Libraries don't have the journal you are looking for, we may be able to source it through Oxford's inter-library request service.

Recommend a journal

If the Bodleian Libraries don't have the journal or article you are looking for, you can make a recommendation by completing the form below (Oxford Single-Sign On required).