Brief explanation of each source on French Ministry of Justice's official website.
"Les règles de droit proviennent de différentes sources : la Constitution, les traités internationaux, le droit européen, les lois, les textes réglementaires et la jurisprudence."
Open Access on Official website of Conseil Constitutionnel
Related Commentary
Cairn revues (Humanities and Social Science)Requires Oxford SSO for remote access. Select Droit. Stay within "Accès abonné" titles Journals include Archives de politique criminelle, Droit et société, Nouveaux Cahiers du Conseil constitutionnel, Plein droit, Pouvoirs, Rev. f. de droit constitutionnel.
Official website of Conseil Constitutionnel has history and full text of current Constitution AND in the section called Law Constitutional dans l'Histoire full text of the previous Constitutions since 1791
The book below is available in the Law Library, but SOLO searches will reveal many more in this area of research are in the History Faculty Library and other parts of the Bodleian.