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EDC: European Documentation Centre: EDC

Subjects: Official Papers

Purpose of this guide

This guide is intended for students and researchers studying the history and development of European Union at the University of Oxford, although students and researches from any field may find it useful.

Use this guide to find out about the collection of official publications of the European Union held in the Bodleian.

For current information on the EU and to access to recent documents, use the links from the EU’s own server Europa.  There is also a Google search box set up by EU4Journalists that you can use to search the 28 million pages on Europa.

The Bodleian Library was an EDC from 1963 to 2020.

European Documentation Centres are neutral collections of official publications of the European Union, which are open to the public, and usually housed in academic libraries.  There are EDCs throughout the EU.  EDC status entitles the host library to receive one copy free of charge of most significant publications and documents of the EU.  

The print material which the Bodleian Library received in its capacity as an EDC (1963 - 2020) is available on the Ground Floor of the Bodleian Law Library.

The collection contains historical official publications of the European Union:

Legislation and law reports
Treaties, regulations, directives, decisions
Proposals for new legislation
Documents generated during the legislative process
European Parliament debates – now only on-line
The case law of the European Court of Justice

Commission reports on all aspects of the EU
Council reports on institutional matters
European Parliament reports

General statistics; economy and finance
Population and social conditions
Energy and industry
Agriculture, forestry and fishery
Foreign trade
Services and transport
Environment; miscellaneous

Journals and newsletters are filed at the end of each subject division.

The shelf marks page in this guide has further information on the subject arrangement.

European Union Law

Note: If you are interested in European Union Law, please follow link below for further guidance

Brexit Reflection

Subject Guide