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The Fair is an excellent opportunity for Humanities postgraduate students and researchers to gain a wider perspective on the wealth and riches of research sources available for your field of study.
At the Fair you can learn about resources you may not yet have yet considered and meet the curators of collections who can guide you towards relevant material or useful finding tools. Over 40 stalls will cover many areas:
The format of the Fair encourages you to explore and discover new materials at your own pace, to be curious, to network and to make connections to experts and their peers while also learning about creative use of sources in Digital Humanities.
A series of 15 minutes talks will accompany the Fair.
2.15-2:30pm - Open Access at Oxford (Juliet Ralph, Bodleian Libraries Open Access Subject Librarian)
2.40-2.50pm - Top 10 Tips from Humanities graduates: English & Medieval and Modern Languages (Kathryn Peak, DPhil candidate in English; Fay Wanrug Suwanwattana, DPhil candidate in Medieval and Modern Languages (Modern French))
3-3.15pm - Maximise your research through archival search and mining with Gale and the Digital Scholar Lab (Chris Houghton, Head of Digital Scholarship, Gale International)
3.25-3.40pm - Visual AI for humanities research: Oxford’s Visual Geometry Group (Dr Giles Bergel, Digital Humanities Ambassador, Visual Geometry Group)
3.50-4.05pm - Text Encoding in the Humanities (Emma Huber, Bodleian Libraries Subject Consultant for German) - Slides
4.15-4.30pm - Sourcing Images for Research (Francesca Issatt, Visual Resources Assistant, Department of History of Art)
4.40-4.55pm - TORCH - funding and support for researchers (Dr Victoria McGuinness, Head of Research Partnerships, TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities)
If you have any queries, please email
The main entrance is stepped. There is a ramped entrance immediately to the left of the main entrance. There is lift access throughout the building, two wheelchair accessible toilets and hearing support systems that can be deployed where needed throughout the building. Most areas of the building have level access.
The accessible toilet is gender neutral and is at the bottom of the staircase opposite Room 8.