Purpose of this guide
This guide is intended for students and researchers studying any Humanities subjects at the University of Oxford, although students and researchers from related fields may find it useful.
Use this guide to find out about the different collections and subject specialists supporting Humanities study and research.
The Bodleian Humanities Libraries serve the largest concentration of Humanities scholars in the world with a wide range of academic interests. Particular strengths of our services are our extensive collections of printed and archival materials and electronic resources as well as the support provided by our library staff including over 35 expert subject librarians.
Use the searchable map to find the location of the libraries in Oxford.
Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library
Taylor Institution Library, including Taylor Bodleian Slavonic and Modern Greek Library
Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine Library
Finding and borrowing books, journals and other item
Finding and borrowing physical and electronic books, journals and other items using SOLO
General guidance on using SOLO, the primary library catalogue for the University of Oxford covering the physical and electronic holdings of the Bodleian Libraries and most other Oxford Libraries.
Journals and Articles: Finding and using journals and articles
Detailed guidance on finding journals and articles in print and online.
E-Resources: Finding and using e-books, e-journals and databases
Detailed guidance on using e-books, e-journals and databases using SOLO and Databases A-Z.
Specialist materials: Guidance on finding special collections and non book formats
Guidance on finding and using the Bodleian Libraries' specialist collections including manuscripts, rare books, archives and printed ephemera; maps; music; data and statistics; legal materials; official, parliamentary and government papers; audio visual materials; patents.
Information about Oxford Libraries
Information about Oxford Libraries including opening times.
Printing, Photocopying and Scanning
Printing, copying and scanning (PCAS) (opens in a new window)
Information about the Bodleian Libraries PCAS system for printing, photocopying and scanning.
IT, Computing, WiFi and Passwords
Connecting to Wifi in the Bodleian Libraries (opens in a new window)
Guidance on connecting your laptop or device to the Eduroam or Bodleian Libraries wifi networks in the Bodleian Libraries.
Using a public computer in the Bodleian Libraries (opens in a new window)
Information on logging on to and using the Bodleian Libraries' public computers which provide access to Office 2007 (Word, Excel, Access), Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Endnote, Nuance PDF Creator, GIMP, iTunes.
Passwords (opens in new window)
Information about the passwords used to order items from the closed stacks; renew books; access e-resources from off campus; log on to public computers and wifi; and to make photocopies, print outs and scans using PCAS.
Workshops and classes
Bodleian Libraries run a range of workshops in information discovery and scholarly communications covering literature searching, reference management, current awareness, research impact, copyright and intellectual property, open access and research data management.
Information for disabled readers