English SpaceThe EnglishSpace is a free ESL/English language course on the Internet. There are puzzles, games, exercises and projects to help practise students' English skills.
Literary ReviewLiterary Review covers all the latest books each month, ranging from history and biography to memoir and fiction.
The Language and Literacy in Education Research GroupThis group at the University of Reading brings together researchers from the fields of education, teacher education, psychology, and first and second language learning. It looks at the development of language and literacy, first and second language development and pedagogy, monolingualism, bilingualism and multilingualism, including learners of English as an additional language (EAL).
Stories from the WebStories from the Web is all about books, stories and creative writing. It is a members' only website offered on a subscription basis to library authorities around the UK.
British Dyslexia AssociationTheir vision is of a dyslexia friendly society that will enable all dyslexic people to reach their potential.
British Universities Film & Video CouncilThe British Universities Film & Video Council (BUFVC) is a representative body which promotes the production, study and use of moving image, sound and related media in higher education and research.
Dyslexia Research TrustSupport research into dyslexia and related conditions, and to make their findings available to the widest possible audience and to help people conquer dyslexic problems.
International Literacy AssociationThe International Literacy Association (formerly International Reading Association) has been a nonprofit, global network of individuals and institutions committed to worldwide literacy. The Association supports literacy professionals through a wide range of resources, advocacy efforts, volunteerism, and professional development activities.
NATE - National Association for the Teaching of EnglishThe association has a range of committees and working parties which address current concerns, disseminate knowledge and ideas, promote the work of the association and seek to represent the views of the association to national bodies, local authorities, the DCSF, OFSTED, QCA, examination boards, etc.
National Association of Writers in EducationThe National Association of Writers in Education (NAWE) is the one organization supporting the development of creative writing of all genres and in all educational and community settings throughout the UK.
National Literacy TrustThe National Literacy Trust links home, school and the wider community to inspire learners and create opportunities for everyone. We support those who work with learners through our innovative programmes, information and research. We bring together key organisations to lead literacy promotion in the UK.
Shakespeare's GlobeText books, online resources, interactive apps and downloadable productions from Shakespeare's Globe, a unique international resource dedicated to the exploration of Shakespeare's work and the playhouse for which he wrote, through the connected means of performance and education.