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Digital Humanities: ** Resources Updates **

An introductory guide to the Digital Humanites and aspects of Digital Scholarship in Oxford and beyond


** Subscription - Gale Digital Scholar Lab **

"Gale Digital Scholar Lab is a cloud-based research environment that allows students and researchers to apply natural language processing tools to raw text data (OCR) from Gale's Primary Sources in a single research platform."

To find out how the Lab works, watch the webinar: "This webinar shows you how to create a content set, clean text, and run an analysis in Digital Scholar Lab."

An exciting and innovative product that introduces Digital Humanities research methods and analysis techniques.

Start using the Lab: *

* Please note that in order to get started with the resource - and when you subsequently log in - you need to click "Log In / CREATE ACCOUNT" and choose "Sign in with Microsoft". If you have already reached the resource using your SSO or are within the Oxford domain, you should be logged in automatically, when you choose "Sign in with Microsoft". If not, enter your University Microsoft username, when prompted, as if you were logging into Nexus365 for the first time.


** Introduction to Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and companion blog **

Quantitative Methods in the Humanities - An Introduction, by Claire Lemercier and Claire Zalc

"Conceived primarily for historians, the book will prove invaluable to other humanists, as well as to social scientists looking for a nontechnical introduction to quantitative methods. Covering the most recent techniques, in addition to others not often enough discussed, the book will also have much to offer to the most seasoned practitioners of quantification." University of Virginia Press:

The companion blog explores methods discussed in the book as well as how it might be used in DH teaching:

Book soon to be ordered by the Taylor Institution Library.