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English Literature for Continuing Education short courses: Books

Using SOLO to find books in Oxford Libraries

You can use SOLO to find e-books and print books in Oxford Libraries.   Please see our top tips below or for more information see the SOLO  or E-Books LibGuides.

Top Tips

  • Sign in to SOLO with your Oxford Single Sign on (SSO) or Library card details. 
  • Use the drop down menu to 'Search everything' or to specify 'online resources' (e.g. e-books) or a specific library
  • Click 'View online' to link to an ebook or digital item
  • For print book click 'Find and request' to see which libraries have the book, whether its available or out on loan, to place a reservation (for a book that is out on loan) and to order items from the 'closed stacks'   
  • Which Libraries can you use?  This depends on which course you are taking.     If you're not sure which Libraries you can use, check the information on the 'Home' tab above.

Screenshot of SOLO options

Browsing your subject in the Continuing Education Library

Books of interest to English Literature students are shelved on the lower floor of the Library under the following classification numbers (Dewey Decimal Classification):

801 Literary theory and criticism 823 English fiction
810 American literature 824 English essays
820   English literature 828 English diaries
821 English poetry 829 Old English and Anglo-Saxon Literature
822 English drama    

Separate sequences of Oversize books and Pamphlets are located on the lower floor of the Library before the main book sequence begins.

Critical works about an author are shelved immediately after works by the author. For example, books by Charles Dickens are at 823.8 DIC, a book about Dickens by Smith would be at 823.8 DIC/S.

Searching for books beyond Oxford

Purchase suggestions

If you would like to request a resource for purchase, please contact giving full details of the book and brief details of the course or project you are working on.     Alternatively please fill in the book suggestion form.

Scan and deliver

If you can't get to Oxford to borrow the book, you can request a scan of one chapter to be sent to you.  Sign in to SOLO and choose 'Offsite scan' (for items in the closed stack) or LibraryScan (for items in libraries)

Useful links


Here's a sample of e-books you can find on SOLO.

E-book collections

Many e-books are part of collections. By going to the collection, you can search across all books, or sometimes a subject sub set. Some of the main collections which include English Literature are listed here.