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Tibetan & Himalayan Studies: Databases


Tibetan and Buddhist Studies

For Tibetan Buddhism texts, please see BDRC ནང་བསྟན་དཔེ་ཚོགས་ལྟེ་གནས། (Buddhist Digital Resource Center)

Also available, Srid pa rgyud Bon-po manuscript scan, from the H.E. Richardson collection.

and Gene Smith Green Books (Wylie).

TBRC/BDRC explanatory videos are here

ORA (Oxford University Research Archive) website has photographic images of recently found rNying ma’i rgyud ‘bum (43 volumes) from Sangs rgyas gling dgon pa, presented by Dr R. Mayer. The initial web page is here . 

ORA also has website access to Two Family Libraries from Pemako (padma bkod), presented by Dr. R. Mayer, see here .

Other ORA Tibet-related information is here .

PL-480 Tibetan Literature microfiches text/author search tool (Wylie)

For photographic resources for Tibet pre-1950, see the Pitt Rivers Museum's Tibet Album site here