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Course II: Paper 4: The History of the English Language to c.1800: eBooks & reference

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Wiley Online Library

Wiley Online Library provides full text access to key reference works. The texts are fully searchable and chapters can be read online in html format. You can browse the Linguistics section to find the titles you require or search a particular title or the whole collection.

This title is particularly useful for Paper 1:

Other examples from the collection include:

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Useful eBooks

You can find eBooks by searching for the title on SOLO. Our top tip is to also search through the websites of the major eBook providers, such as Oxford Academic. If you search the websites this allows you to do a search across the full text of all the ebooks at once - rather than just searching by title. This will give you a greater selection of material to read. Some of the biggest eBook providers are listed in the boxes below.

Examples of useful texts we've found for you on SOLO are:

undefined A Social History of English Companion to the History of the English Language undefined
Verbal Hygiene Talking Proper Language and Gender English and the Discourses of Colonialism
The Cambridge History of the English Language Understanding Language Change Language and Identity An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language


Oxford Academic

Oxford Academic offers access to thousands of academic works from Oxford University Press, covering subjects across the humanities. These eBooks can all be found by searching SOLO, but you can use the website directly to search across the full text of all the eBooks at once.

English Meaning and Culture The Development of Old English Borrowed Words undefined