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All Souls College, The Library: Home

Purpose of the Guide

This guide is intended for students and researchers at the University of Oxford and elsewhere who are seeking information about the All Souls College Library.

For complete information about the history and the collections, please visit the Library website.

Useful Links

The main website, for more information on applications, collections, and history.

The digital resources, including catalogue of manuscripts, early printed books, architectural drawings, and maps.

All printed books in the All Souls collections are catalogued onto SOLO.

Welcome to the Library of All Souls College

The Library of All Souls College is open to all members of Oxford University by application, and to bona fide researchers by appointment. The collections are particularly strong in law and history, and are almost all catalogued onto SOLO; readers from all disciplines are welcomed.

The Library is reference only,  and books may not be borrowed by readers.

Library service hours

Opening hours:

The Library is open to registered Readers, Monday to Friday, 10am - 5:30pm during the full Oxford term (14th October-6th December 2024).

The Library will close for the summer at the end of day on 14th June, and will reopen on 14th October 2024.



The Library
All Souls College
High Street
Oxford OX1 4AL


Website: All Souls College Library

Email: Library, Reader Services

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 279318