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Official Papers: Colonial and Foreign Office Confidential Prints

Confidential Print

The Bodleian libraries holds printed collections of Foreign Office and Colonial Office confidential print. Salient papers from the collections are available in digital format as below. 

Confidential Print Africa 1834-1966
Confidential Print Latin America 1833-1969
Confidential Print Middle East 1839-1969
Confidential Print North American 1824-1961

Please see 'Colonial/Foreign&Commonweath/India Records' page for more relevant databases.

If you would like to use the printed collections please use the databases below. 

Foreign Office Confidential Prints

 An image of an Ethopian king from a Foreign Office Confidential Print

The database searches the print collections held in the Official Papers Section of the Bodleian Law Library. Staff will be happy to assist.

Photocopying the documents is not permitted, however they can be scanned by Imaging Services, photography without a flash is permitted.


From the 1820s papers of significance began to be distributed to officials in the Foreign Office, Cabinet and other departments as Confidential Print. The practice grew until the 1850s when nearly every important dispatch or telegram was routinely printed. The Confidential Prints vary in format from a single page to a substantial volume, many have maps (we have over 700) and diagrams. The documents are numbered 1-10,600 (1827-1914) in roughly order of printing.

For the historian this is an incredible set of primary source documents. They are a window to Britain’s colonial past covering subjects such as slavery, railways, expeditions, diplomatic relations and war, from Abyssinia to Zanzibar.

The index, ‘List of Confidential Papers Relating to Foreign Affairs’ (No. 10330, covers no.1-10,000) has been transcribed. The index was arranged alphabetically by country, and the documents listed roughly in date order.

You can:

  • search for documents with maps by entering map in the subject box
  • search by jurisdiction, date and document number
  • do a keyword search in the subject box
  • email results in a spreadsheet format.

We do not have a complete set of documents at Oxford, so the search will return

  • whether we have the document or not
  • how many pages it has
  • whether it has any illustrations or maps.


Colonial Office Confidential Prints

Once you have searched the database you can then use the document number to order up the item from Bodleian Offsite Storage. Documents can be ordered up to a reading room of choice.  

Photocopying the documents is not permitted, however they can be scanned by Imaging Services, photography without a flash is permitted.


The Colonial Office Confidential Print online catalogue covers over 1000 documents from 1848 to 1915 pertaining to Africa. Selected correspondence, memoranda and other documents were copied for internal use in the Colonial Office and in some cases circulation to the Cabinet and brought together to form this collection. The documents range from a single page to a substantial volume, many containing maps.

The information in the online catalogue is based on information from the 'List of Colonial Office Confidential Print to 1916', London, HMSO, 1965.

For the historian this is an incredible set of primary source documents. They are a window to Britain's colonial past. Documents are numbered i-xxix, 1-1037.

 You can search for documents by:

  •  Jurisdiction
  •  Date
  •  Document number
  •  Keyword search 

You then have the option of emailing the results in a spreadsheet format.

The search will also return:

  • Whether Oxford holds the document or not
  • How many pages it has