India is a common law country, so therefore law reports are the primary source of law, and the concepts of precedent and stare decisis do apply.
For primary sources of case law online, you can access the major law reports series for the Supreme Court of India and for subsidiary and regional courts via two of our subscription databases, or from the other free websites below:
If your research interest has historical dimension try also
Available to anyone with access to the internet
Aggregators for specialist and lower courts as well as Supreme Court (India)
On Level 1, one floor beneath the entrance level, is a strong collection of historic law reports in print.
Official & Semi-Official Reports
All India Reporter (reports Supreme Court & other High Court decisions) Cw India 100 A10
Supreme Court Reports (official annotated Supreme Court Decisions) Cw India 100 S30
Indian Law Reports series
(ILR - by region, but many of these have been cancelled in print as they Cw India 100 I30-55
are available online via Manupatra)