This page is about gender issues in business teaching cases.
The articles and webinars on the left-hand side explore some of the problems with how women are represented in cases, and why it matters. Resources on the right-hand side focus on what educators and business schools can do to help address these problems. Also on the right-hand side are links to collections or compilations of teaching cases containing female protagonists, and/or which address topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
Symons, L. (2014), ‘Where are the Women Leaders? Invisible selves: writing women leaders into business school case papers’, Executive MA thesis, INSEAD, Fontainebleau.
Cases with Female Protagonists (Harvard Business School Gender Initiative)
Nearly 100 cases recommended by Harvard Business School faculty, all featuring female protagonists; arranged by discipline, from Accounting to Strategy.
Case Compendium (Center for Equity, Gender, and Leadership: Berkeley Haas)
Hundreds of cases with diverse protagonists and/or focusing on DEI-related issues.
Case Papers with Female Protagonists (The Case for Women)
50+ cases compiled by The Case for Women. Available from the Case Centre.
Cases with Female Protagonists (INSEAD Publishing)
INSEAD cases can be filtered to find those with a female protagonist. Go to Cases > filter by ‘With Female Protagonist’.