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Psychology: Plagiarism

Libguide to resources for psychology

Good research and writing practice

About literature reviews

What is a literature review? Where do you begin? These chapters on literature reviews are in books held in the library:

Imel, S. (2011) Writing a literature review. In T.S. Rocco & T.G. Hatcher (Eds.), The handbook of scholarly writing and publishing (145-159) San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass/Wiley

Averyard, H. (2007) Why do a literature review in health and social care? In H. Averyard, Doing a literature review in health and social care : a practical guide (5-21) Maidenhead : McGraw-Hill Open University Press

Plagiarism checking tools

Tools for students

Read the University academic good practice page.

Check your knowledge and skills on good academic practice and avoiding plagiarism using these tutorials:

Consult books - suggested reading:

Resources on getting published

Interested in publishing your dissertation or thesis, or the results of your findings? You may be interested in these references:


Are you having problems using electronic resources? Not getting the information you need? Or would you like an introductory session to start you off?

Contact your subject librarian.

Bodleian Libraries also run regular Information Skills workshops.

What is a DOI?

A DOI or Digital Object Identifier is a unique string of letters and numbers assigned to a published article made available electronically by a publisher. It provides a persistent, unambiguous link to the most recent version of an online item, and is a quick way to find an article cited in another work. It is used in the APA reference style for citing online references.

Example of the APA style:

Braddick, O., & Atkinson, J. (2011). Development of human visual function. Vision Research, 51(13), 1588-1609. DOI: 10.1016/j.visres.2011.02.018