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Frisian: Manuscripts

Frisian language and literature
Subjects: Frisian

Key resources

Bodleian Library, Western Mansucripts Department

Bodleian Library, Imaging Services

Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library

The Bodleian Library (Special Collections) holds several Old Frisian and Middle Frisian manuscripts as part of the Junius Manuscripts.Images of (parts of) manuscripts may be requested from the Imaging Services.

Old Frisian:

Two Old (West) Frisian manuscripts are kept in the Bodleian Library:

Codex Unia which contains the core Old Frisian texts in Old West Frisian dialect is now available as an electronic text edition with images on

Ms.Junius 49 contains Junius' Apographa from the former Codex Unia, as well as some texts from Codex Roorda and Codex Fivelgo (both in Tresoar, Ljouwert).

Ms.Junius 109 is a copy of the incunable 'Freeska Landriucht' with Junius' collations from the former Codex Unia

Codex Aysma  or Ms Junius 78, the other manuscript in Old West Frisian dialect,  is part of the Junius collection. The printed edition 'Codex Aysma: die Altfriesischen Texte' can be consulted in the Bodleian law Library.

Two copies of the incunalbe Freeska Landriucht are kept in the Bodleian Library,  Ms Junius 109 and Ms Marshall 60.

Gysbert Japicx:

The Bodleian Library holds the following manuscripts of the work of the 17th century poet Gysbert Japicx.

Ms Junius 115a: contains Wobbelke, the only known poem in Gysbert's own hand, and various poems by Gysbert copied by Franciscus Junius.

Ms Junius 122: includes two copies of De Friessche Tjerne, one with Gysbert's handwriting on the title page.

Read the Taylorian blog for more information about the poet Gysbert Japicx' work in Oxford on the Taylor Institution Library website




Subject Guide

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Johanneke Sytsema
Subject Consultant for Linguistics, Dutch and Frisian
Taylor Institution Library
St Giles'
01865 (2)78159
Subjects: Linguistics