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Dar al-Mandumah provides access to a series of databases with full-text content of Arabic scientific conferences, dissertations, and academic journals from 1921 to present day. Content is mainly in Arabic and English. The databases included are:
• EduSearch (education)
• HumanIndex (humanities)
• IslamicInfo (Islamic studies and Islamic law)
• AraBase (language and literature)
• EcoLink (economic and management studies)
• Mandumah Dissertations
Apartheid South Africa makes available British government files from the Foreign, Colonial, Dominion, and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices. These previously restricted letters, diplomatic dispatches, reports, trial papers, activists’ biographies and first-hand accounts of events give unprecedented access to the history of South Africa’s apartheid regime. The files explore the relationship of the international community with South Africa and chart increasing civil unrest against a backdrop of waning colonialism in Africa and mounting world condemnation.
The Bodleian Libraries hold the first section of Apartheid South Africa, covering 1948 to 1966.
ArabDigest is a source of information and political analysis on current events in the Middle East and North Africa. Arab Digest members have access to articles and podcasts containing a mix of material drawn from a wide range of published sources together with original input from the editor and Arab Digest’s high-level network. Members have the option to sign up to receive the daily newsletter and podcasts direct to their emails or can access them at any time via the website.
Eastern European Newspaper Archive, containing scientific and professional journals, weekly and daily newspapers, encyclopaedias, and thematic book collections.
The Archives of Sexuality and Gender: Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century looks at gender and sexuality in the centuries leading up to, and inclusive of, the period covered in Archives of Sexuality and Gender Parts I and II, providing context to the materials in those collections. It examines topics such as patterns of fertility and sexual practice; prostitution; religion and sexuality; the medical and legal construction of sexualities; and the rise of sexology. It not only offers a reflection of the cultural and social attitudes of the past, but also a window into how sexuality and gender roles were viewed and changed over time.
Three unique collections make up the archive:
The Private Case from the British Library, comprised of printed books segregated from the main library from the 1850s to 1990 on grounds of obscenity. It is an interesting study in social mores as the definition of obscenity has seen many changes since the mid-nineteenth-century.
Special Subject Units from Sex Research: Early Literature from Statistics to Erotica, a collection from the Alfred C. Kinsey Institute for Sex Research dating from 1700 to 1860. This is a portion of Dr. Kinsey's original library which he used to study human sexual behavior from a variety of academic and literary viewpoints.
A collection of rare and unique books from the New York Academy of Medicine, consisting of more than 1,400 monographs covering a variety of topics in sex, sexuality, and gender studies. From sex education to erotica, manners to medicine, the Academy collection offers a rich combination of materials from the humanities to the hard sciences.
The archive presents content in fourteen different languages, with a predominance in French, English, and German and including Old French, Old English, and Old High German.
Art & Architecture Complete provides full-text coverage of 380 periodicals and more than 220 books. In addition, this database offers cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 780 academic journals, magazines and trade publications, as well as for over 230 books. Art & Architecture Complete also provides selective coverage for 70 additional publications and an Image Collection of over 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and others.
An extensive reference work containing up-to-date biographical information on more than 1.2 million artists. It contains biographical information on artists and entries on communities of visual artists from all over the world and from all eras. It covers all genres of fine arts, painting, graphics, sculpture, architecture, photography, video, installation art, and more.
Replaces the former De Gruyter database Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon: International Database of Artists.
The Baghdad Observer was the official English-language newspaper of the Iraqi government from its establishment after the 1963 coup and through the Ba'athist period following 1968, until it ended publication in 2003 due to the Iraq War. It covered significant events in Middle Eastern history, including the Iranian Revolution (1978-1979), the presidency of Saddam Hussein (1979-2003), the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), and the Gulf War (1990-1991).
This collection of RAM records reproduces the writings and statements of the Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM) and its leaders. It also covers organizations that evolved from or were influenced by RAM and persons that had close ties to RAM. The most prominent organization that evolved from RAM was the African People's Party. Organizations influenced by RAM include the Black Panther Party, League of Revolutionary Black Workers, Youth Organization for Black Unity, African Liberation Support Committee, and the Republic of New Africa. Individuals associated with RAM and documented in this collection include Robert F. Williams, Malcolm X, Amiri Baraka, General Gordon Baker Jr., Yuri Kochiyama, Donald Freeman, James and Grace Lee Boggs, Herman Ferguson, Askia Muhammad Toure (Rolland Snellings), and Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael).
Digitized in two parts from the FO 17 series of British Foreign Office Files held at the UK National Archives, Part II of Imperial China and the West provides General Correspondence relating to China from 1865–1905. Here, scholars will find material relating to the internal politics of China and Britain, their relationship, and the relationships among other Western powers— keen to benefit from the growing trading ports of the Far East—and China’s neighbours in East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. The FO 17 series provides a vast and significant resource for researching every aspect of China-West relations during the nineteenth century, ranging from diplomacy and war, to trade, piracy, riots and rebellions within China, international law, treaty ports and informal empire, transnational emigration, and translation and cross-cultural communication.
Country risk ratings and forecasts. Data are available for more than 140 countries, going back to 1984 for most countries and including risk ratings and economic data from International Country Risk Guide, as well as forecasts, economic, political, geographic, and social data from Political Risk Services. CountryData is updated monthly and is the gateway to current and historical data from The PRS Group.
Alternative names: Dostoevskii: Materialy i Issledovaniia ; EB-DRS
This series is a companion to the 30 volume Collected works of Fyodor Dostoevsky published by Pushkinskii Dom. The series includes contemporary issues in Dostoyevsky scholarship, letters addressed to the writer, materials and documents covering his biography and critical analysis of this works.
This collection of ephemera (brochures, clothing items, booklets, flyers, etc.) offers important insights into LGBTQ activism in Eastern Europe and the Balkans in the past decade. It includes 140 items (more than 2,000 pages) of valuable research materials collected by East View in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland and Serbia.
Alternate Name(s)
East View Archive Editions: Egypt and the Rise of Nationalism
Source institution: UK National Archives
Date range: 1840-1927
Egypt and the Rise of Nationalism includes more than 4,000 primary source documents from the UK National Archives relating to the period of the British military occupation in Egypt. Consisting of British Foreign Office, Cabinet Office and War Office files, amongst others, this collection captures the development of nationalist sensibilities, movements, and publications in Egypt from the 1870s until the third decade of the twentieth century, culminating with the formal dissolution of the British protectorate in 1924.
Never formally described as part of the “British Empire” by successive British governments, that relationship may have been inferred, applied by the popular press, or understood to be a colonial relationship by the public. Britain was certainly an administering power but the term “protectorate” was a debated definition of the relationship as early as 1884. The eventual end of British occupation marked the emergence of modern Egypt.
This research database offers essential content covering important issues related to race in society today. Content includes full-text articles from academic journals, government agency reports (provided by HeinOnline), alongside articles, primary sources and speeches (provided by BlackPast). Collections provide an in-depth look at the history of race and provide critical context for learning more about topics associated with race, ethnicity, diversity and inclusiveness.
Published in three parts, this collection makes available extensive coverage of British Foreign Office files dealing with Japan between 1919 and 1952, shedding light on Anglo-Japanese ties in a time of shifting alliances. This second module covers the Occupation period (1946-1952). Following surrender at the end of the Second World War, Japan was occupied by Allied Powers for the first time in its history. The files for this period offer a British perspective on the creation of a democratic state in Japan and the enforcement of a new constitution. They include key British communications and reports covering topics such as war crime trials, reparations, and Japan’s economic recovery. They conclude in 1952, the year the Treaty of San Francisco normalised Anglo-Japanese relations and the first post-war British Ambassador to Japan, Esler Dening, was appointed. The majority of documents in this section are sourced from FO 371, with a smaller number from FO 262.
Disabilities in Society, Seventeenth to Twentieth Century presents monographs (books), manuscripts, and ephemera that provide a historical view of disabilities from the seventeenth to twentieth century.
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No part of ICRG-Table 3B may be duplicated in hardcopy or machine-readable form without prior written authorization from PRS Group. You may download and copy the file for study and research but NOT for commercial purposes.
The Researchers’ Dataset Table 3B provides annual averages of the 12 components of Political Risk Rating, as published in the International Country Risk Guide [ICRG]. Average ratings are provided for all countries covered by the ICRG from 1984 until the latest full calendar year.
Alternate Name(s)
John Benjamins Compact EBA 2019-2024
Alternative name: John Benjamins Compact EBA 2019-2024
Until 18 June 2025, over 650 ebooks in linguistics, translation studies, and related fields, published between 2019 and 2024, are available via this EBA (evidence-based acquisitions) programme online to University members via SOLO. This will include new publications as they come out during the year. At the end of the period, we will make a selection of books based on appearance on reading lists and heavy use during the period. These selections will be added permanently to the ebook collection of the Bodleian Libraries.
This resource requires you to register before use using your * email address. Please do not use your Oxford SSO username or password to register.
Klassiki is a video-on-demand platform which is dedicated exclusively to cinema from Eastern Europe – including Ukraine, Russia, and the Baltics – the Caucasus and Central Asia. Klassiki features a library of over 100 titles, spanning silent cinema to the 2020s, a film Pick of the Week feature, and a Journal area of related content including interviews, essays and national cinema overviews. A potentially useful resource to students of film, visual culture and modern languages.
LexiQamus is an aggregator for all major dictionaries of Ottoman Turkish matching the given restrictions. With LexiQamus, you can find a word with missing or unclear letters almost immediately, a task that would have been almost impossible with a regular dictionary. (
Alternative names: Literary Manuscripts Leeds Collection ; Literary MSS Leeds
Complete images of 190 manuscripts of seventeenth and eighteenth-century verse held in the celebrated Brotherton Collection at the University of Leeds. Alongside original compositions are copied verses, translations, songs and riddles. The whole collection is situated within an assortment of manuscripts, some entirely dedicated to poetry, while others contain medicinal recipes, household accounts, draft letters, musical scores and plays. There are also several printed works, with handwritten verse additions.
Le Monde is one of the newspapers of record for France. The newspaper website is available in French and English versions, which can be selected at the top of the page.
Muteferriqa, by artificial intelligence company Miletos, is an online research portal containing an exceptionally rich collection of printed materials published in the Ottoman Empire from the 18th to mid-20th century. It lets you perform full-text search in Latin and Arabic scripts within seconds across millions of pages of its corpus, which consists of virtually all the books and a large majority of periodicals ever printed in Ottoman Turkish. Refining queries through rich and extensive metadata gives relevant cross-sections of the material.
Narodna armiia (Народна армія, People’s Army) was released at the beginning of Ukrainian independence and with the newly created Armed Forces of Ukraine as successor to the Soviet military publication of the Ukrainian SSR, Leninskoe znamia (Lenin’s Banner). Published in Kyiv from 1991-2018, this Ukrainian-language publication details the creation, reform, and redevelopment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a particular focus on military training, international military cooperation, and social benefits for servicemen and their family members. Correspondents also covered the activities of Ukrainian peacekeepers in UN operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the activities of the Ukrainian-Polish battalion in Kosovo.
Established in 1991 on the eve of the Ukrainian declaration of independence, Nezavisimost’ (Независимость, Independence) was an independent, high-profile Russian-language daily and a successor publication to Komsomolskoe znamya (Komsomol Banner, initially called Stalinskoe plemya [Stalin’s Tribe]), with a long history as a Soviet publication. One of the most popular newspapers in the early years of Ukrainian independence, Nezavisimost’ covered domestic and international politics, business and economic affairs, and popular culture, becoming a lively outlet for social and political commentary, opinion and analysis.
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Noor Digital Library (Noorlib) is a full-text e-book database administered by the Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences (CRCIS) in Iran. Noor Digital Library contains more than 88000 digitised book volumes from within the humanities, mostly in Arabic and Persian, with a particular focus on Islamic Studies.
Noormags is a journal database administered by the Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences (CRCIS) in Iran. Noormags offers digitized versions of specialized journals concerning Islamic studies, social sciences and the humanities. The extensive text-image database has become one of the most important databases for academic texts in Persian, also featuring content in Arabic and English.
Source: U.S. National Archives
Date Range: 1945-1959
This archive traces the period that saw the end of the British mandate in Palestine. Documents address the role of the Security Council and General Assembly of the United Nations and that of the United States in the creation of the state of Israel. Included here are the Palestine Reference files of Dean Rusk and Robert McClintock, as well as documents from the Mission of the United States in Tel-Aviv. The years 1955-1959 contain instructions and correspondences of the U.S. Department of State. Most of the State Department’s internal documentation as well as correspondence between the State Department and other federal departments and agencies, in addition to documents from private individuals and organizations, are included in the central files. Documents types comprise official and unofficial correspondence, inquiries, memoranda, situation reports and studies, special reports, and telegrams. The files offer insight into a range of subjects including the politics, laws, military, economy, industry, natural resources, public works, and media of Palestine and Israel. The documents in this collection are sourced from the Central Files of the General Records of the Department of State. The records are under the jurisdiction of the Legislative and Diplomatic Branch of the Civil Archives, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.
This collection of Amiri Baraka materials was made available by Dr. Komozi Woodard. Dr. Woodard collected these documents during his career as an activist in Newark, New Jersey. The collection consists of rare works of poetry, organizational records, print publications, over one hundred articles, poems, plays, and speeches by Baraka, a small amount of personal correspondence, and oral histories. The collection has been arranged into eighteen series. These series are: (1) Black Arts Movement; (2) Black Nationalism; (3) Correspondence; (4) Newark (New Jersey); (5) Congress of African People; (6) National Black Conferences and National Black Assembly; (7) Black Women's United Front; (8) Student Organization for Black Unity; (9) African Liberation Support Committee; (10) Revolutionary Communist League; (11) African Socialism; (12) Black Marxists; (13) National Black United Front; (14) Miscellaneous Materials, 1978-1988; (15) Serial Publications; (16) Oral Histories; (17) Woodard's Office Files.
The collection consists of materials from the years 1913 through 1998 that document African American author and activist Amiri Baraka and were gathered by Dr. Komozi Woodard in the course of his research. The extensive documentation includes poetry, organizational records, print publications, articles, plays, speeches, personal correspondence, oral histories, as well as some personal records. The materials cover Baraka's involvement in the politics in Newark, N.J. and in Black Power movement organizations such as the Congress of African People, the National Black Conference movement, the Black Women's United Front. Later materials document Baraka's increasing involvement in Marxism.
Provides a comprehensive record of the performance history of the Royal Shakespeare Company and its predecessor, the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. Browse and compare almost 1,400 prompt books to uncover how productions took shape, and explore the creative process behind the company's most important presentations in extensive additional documentation including production records, costume designs, music files and photographs.
Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive is devoted to the study and understanding of the history of slavery in America and the rest of the world. Part III: The Institution of Slavery explores, in vivid detail, the inner workings of slavery from 1492 to 1888. Through legal documents, plantation records, first-person accounts, newspapers, government records, and other primary sources, this collection reveals how enslaved people struggled against the institution. These rare works explore slavery as a legal and labor system, the relationship between slavery and religion, freed slaves, the Shong Massacre, the Demerara insurrection, and many other aspects and events.
Access to over 2,000 ebooks in Earth and Environmental Sciences published by Springer Nature from 2021 to 2024. This collection covers topics relevant to Earth Sciences, Oceanography, Geography, Environmental Sciences, and more. This will include new publications as they come out during 2024. Individual e-books are listed in SOLO.
At the end of the access period, we will select books based on appearance on reading lists and heavy use during the period. These selections will be added permanently to the e-book collection of the Bodleian Libraries.
Access to over 1,400 e-books in Literature, Cultural and Media Studies published by Springer Nature from 2021 to 2024. This will include new publications as they come out during 2024. Individual e-books will be listed in SOLO.
At the end of the access period, we will select books based on appearance on reading lists and heavy use during the period. These selections will be added permanently to the e-book collection of the Bodleian Libraries.
To note: the Springer history collections for 2021-2024 are already part of the Bodleian Libraries' permanent collections, and books are listed individually in SOLO.
Access to over 1,700 ebooks in Mathematics and Statistics published by Springer Nature from 2021 to 2024. This will include new publications as they come out during 2024. Individual e-books are listed in SOLO.
At the end of the access period, we will select books based on appearance on reading lists and heavy use during the period. These selections will be added permanently to the e-book collection of the Bodleian Libraries.
Access to over 1,100 e-books in Philosophy and Religion published by Springer Nature from 2021 to 2024. This will include new publications as they come out during 2024. Individual e-books will be listed in SOLO.
At the end of the access period, we will select books based on appearance on reading lists and heavy use during the period. These selections will be added permanently to the e-book collection of the Bodleian Libraries.
To note: the Springer history collections for 2021-2024 are already part of the Bodleian Libraries' permanent collections, and books are listed individually in SOLO.
World Who’s Who provides biographical information of the 21st century’s most prominent individuals across all fields of human activity, curated by the Europa Biographical Reference team. It provides regularly updated information on the lives, careers and achievements of heads of state, key ministers and politicians, diplomats, international organization officials, religious leaders, and the successful and influential in business, academia, science and technology, music, literature, film and theatre, sport and a host of other professions.